Stronger neighborhoods, together!

RSFIC is helping Iowa City neighbors work together in fun ways that build our resilience and sustainability!

Meeting up to share cookies. Learning English together. Biking or walking to school in a big group of neighborhood kids. Simple activities like these weave a cloth of relationships in your neighborhood that can make you safer in emergencies, turn your political anxiety into something effective, and make your life easier and more fulfilling every day!

Some of the Projects we’ve supported in 2024

Start a Project

RSFIC has helped over 50 groups of neighbors get started on a simple project.

If you want to start a project with some of your neighbors, we can help you with up to $500 and a Project Manager to help you organize.

If you’re not quite ready for that, check out some of the stories on our site, or just email our Projects Director, Tyesha, at [email protected] . Her team can help you think through what you might be able to do!

Sign up for our Newsletter

We put on events and share stories of resilience happening around town. Join our newsletter to get updates every week or two!

Bonus: when you’re signing up, check the “FANCE” box to get occasional updates about city-wide governance and planning.

RSFIC goes deeper than it may seem

RSFIC is a foundation in Iowa City with a fun, positive, short-term programs that are part of a serious, long-term strategy. If you’re interested in imminent crises like climate change, the depletion of our natural resources, affordable housing, our fragile and unhealthy food system, dwindling biodiversity, or other heavy topics, but you either feel like there’s nothing you can do or like the things you CAN do are unhealthy for you, please read more about our foundation.